GOTO Berlin is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 60 top speaker and 400 attendees. The conference cover topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.

Presentation: "Metrics that matter: Outcomes over Outputs"

Track: After Agile: What next? / Time: Friday 13:20 - 14:10 / Location: Hall 6

The metrics that are commonly used for assessing software team productivity are based on outputs in the form of features, user stories or function points, and throughput measures such as story points or cycle time. The big question is, are these the right metrics? Or are we only measuring these because they are easy? According to one of the leading research companies, the next emerging trend is to move away from these throughout and output measures to ‘Outcome metrics’. Where throughput measures the effort over time, and outputs measure how much you deliver, outcomes measure the results achieved at the desired quality levels. In this compelling talk, Gabrielle Benefield will discuss the pitfalls of traditional metrics and how they are not fit for purpose, then provide an alternative approach that teams are adopting worldwide using the Mobius framework. Gabrielle will walk a case study where they used this method to save a client twelve million pounds annually, after only two days work and dramatically changed the product backlogs for the teams. Not only can outcome metrics transform the business, they can also be used to assess the technical quality of what is being built, align the customer and suppliers to build ‘the right product’ and give suppliers a competitive edge.

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Gabrielle Benefield, Agile trainer

Gabrielle Benefield

Biography: Gabrielle Benefield

Gabrielle Benefield is an author, speaker and advisor specialising in Agile and Lean organisational transformation with an emphasis on product strategy and innovation. She is the founder of Evolve Beyond, a global consultancy headquartered in London working with diverse industries including finance, telecommunications, energy and gaming. Gabrielle is the creator of HotHousing, a collaborative method used by many startups and large organisations to rapidly develop products from concept to first release.

Previous to Evolve Beyond, Gabrielle was a successful executive in Silicon Valley, leading major Product, design, and technology divisions. She used Agile and Lean methods to take a startup to successful Initial Public Offering, then led one of the largest Agile enterprise transformations at Yahoo! scaling up to 250+ teams in the US, India, Europe, and Asia. Gabrielle founded the Scrum Foundation in 2009 with Jeff Sutherland (the inventor of Scrum) and other leading Agile thought leaders, to promote enterprise Agile practices within enterprise. Together they founded a large worldwide network of experienced Agile practitioners that continues to promote excellence at the cutting edge of Agile practice today.

Gabrielle is an author of the Scrum Primer, one of the most downloaded guides to Scrum, and is currently co-authoring a book on Agile and lean contracts. She regularly delivers public and private workshops and presentations around the world.

Twitter: @gbenefield